HAP Radiology Billing and Coding Blog

Coding Changes That Will Impact Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology Practices in 2024 on January 29, 2024

Click here to read our 2025 code changes update article.


The annual update to the Current Procedural Terminology[1] (CPT)® for 2024 has 230 new codes, 70 revised codes, and 49 deleted codes. In addition, there are 395 new diagnosis codes contained in the ICD-10-CM[2] update, about one-third of them describing new ways to capture accidents and injuries. Although relatively few of these changes will impact radiology practices, it’s essential to know what they are and adjust your practice systems accordingly.

Categories: radiology coding, icd-10, interventional radiology, IR coding, CPT codes, diagnostic radiology

Coding Changes That Will Impact Radiology Practices In 2023 on January 23, 2023

Click here to read our 2025 code changes update article.


While only a few of the 225 new codes, 93 revised codes, and 75 deleted codes in Current Procedural Terminology[i] (CPT)® for 2023 will impact radiology practices, it’s essential to know what they are and adjust your practice systems accordingly.

Categories: radiology coding, interventional radiology, IR coding, CPT codes, diagnostic radiology, evaluation and management

Diagnosis Coding Changes for Radiology are Available Now on November 3, 2022

Although we refer to the annual updates to the ICD-10-CM[1] coding system as being for the coming year of 2023, they are effective and available for use on October 1, 2022.

Categories: radiology coding, icd-10, radiology

Mid-Year Radiology Coding Update and Other Reminders on July 29, 2022

Most updates to procedural and diagnosis coding become effective at the beginning of the year, but there are always a few mid-year changes that occur. In recent years, coding has changed to accommodate the COVID-19 public health emergency, and there are a few additions this year as well. Along with those, we’ll also add some reminders about topics that we’ve covered before.

Categories: radiology coding, interventional radiology, low dose CT, radiology, Provider Relief Fund, telehealth

How To Enhance Practice Revenue Using Video Reporting on July 1, 2022

Radiologists at NYU Langone Medical Center have been creating video radiology reports in addition to their traditional text-based reports. The videos are intended for the patient, not the referring physician, and they are uploaded to the patient portal as they are completed. A team headed by Michael P. Recht, MD, studied the results, which became available online April 20 at the American Journal of Roentgenology. An example of a video report is included in NYU Langone’s NewsHub.

Categories: radiology reimbursement, radiology coding, radiology, TAVR

Coding Changes That Will Impact Radiology Practices In 2022 on January 24, 2022

Click here to read our 2025 code changes update article.


There are 249 new codes in Current Procedural Terminology[i] (CPT)® that are now in effect for 2022, plus 93 revised codes and 63 deleted codes. However, of all those changes relatively few will impact radiology practices.

Categories: radiology coding, IR coding, CPT codes, radiology

ICD-10 Coding Changes That Will Impact Radiologists In 2022 on October 14, 2021

The annual changes to the ICD-10-CM[i] coding system come in two forms. The Coding and Reporting Guidelines describe how the codes are to be used, and then there is the list of available codes themselves. 159 new codes became effective on October 1, 2021, and many codes have been revised or deleted. Not surprisingly there are a few revisions to the reporting of COVID-19 infections and related conditions.

Categories: radiology documentation, radiology coding, icd-10, CPT codes, radiology

HCPCS Code for Billing Artificial Intelligence is Announced on August 4, 2021

In our recent article on reimbursement for using artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology, Sandy Coffta mentioned the possibility of new codes proposed by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and other imaging societies. One of those new codes was approved and released on July 1, 2021, for use beginning January 1, 2022. HCPCS[1] Level II code 0691T (CPT[2] Category III) will apply to the use of AI for automated analysis of existing CT studies for vertebral fracture(s), including assessment of bone density when performed, data preparation, interpretation, and reporting.

Categories: radiology reimbursement, radiology coding, radiology, artificial intelligence

New Diagnosis Codes Related to COVID-19 Take Effect in 2021 on February 22, 2021

Most of the annual changes to diagnosis coding under ICD-10[i] system take effect on October 1, but other changes occur during the year. There are quite a few codes that became effective on January 1, 2021, all related to COVID-19 conditions.

Categories: radiology coding, COVID-19

Coding Changes That Will Impact Radiology Practices In 2021 on January 6, 2021

Click here to read our 2025 code changes update article.

The big news in Current Procedural Terminology[i] (CPT)® revisions for 2021 is the overhaul of the Evaluation and Management (E&M) section, reducing documentation requirements, and introducing new rules for determining the level of coding. These changes will affect interventional radiologists and radiation oncologists more than they will the day-to-day work of diagnostic radiologists. First, we will review the other non-E&M code changes affecting diagnostic and interventional radiology for 2021.

Categories: radiology coding, interventional radiology, IR coding, CPT codes, radiology, diagnostic radiology

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